We will meet in this charming town to take the road towards the legendary Cocora Valley. Once we’re there, we’ll take a hike where we can appreciate the landscape and the gorgeous wax palms, known for their great beauty and magnitude. After this, we will go back to the town where we can enjoy a delicious typical lunch, trout and fried plantain (specialty of this mythical town). We will have a stroll around Salento. The municipality is also recognized for its elaborate crafts that are offered along the Calle Real. After familiarizing ourselves a bit more with the town we will visit a coffee shop where we will chat and enjoy the softest coffee in the world. If you’re curious enough, the baristas of this region will happily answer any questions you might have about coffee and its preparation. This experience will make you a witness to the intrinsic natural beauty of this town.
Muchas de estas especies son conocidas por sus nombres comunes, o populares: El Barranquero (momotus momota), el Bichofue (pitagus sulphuratus), el Pechiamarillo (tolmomyias flaviventris). En nuestra región podemos encontrar 642 especies hasta la fecha ¡imagínense la cantidad de nombres!
Many of these species are known by their common or popular names: El Barranquero (Momotus momota), El Bichofue (Pitangus sulphuratus), El Pechiamarillo (Tolmomyias flaviventris). In our region, we can find 642 species to date. Just imagine the number of names!
With book in hand and binoculars, we wake up very early to witness this natural beauty and all the social interactions within the bird world. If we are sensitive and open our perception, these birds will accept us into their flock.
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Registro Nacional de Turismo: 40481
Valle del Cauca y Quindío - Colombia